League of Nil-ith Horn - The Men and Orcs of the League of Nil-ith Horn The League of Nil-ith Horn is a merchant association formed by an alliance between the cities of Grunevald, Korvald and Continued...
League of Nil-ith Horn Chronicles #1- Road to Rostok - The League of Nil-ith Horn outpost of Rostok Hold has produced much wealth for a few powerful families in the Grunevaldian third. Boyar Thonkrik and his devoted League soldiers had Continued...
League of Nil-ith Horn Chronicles #2- Bothvar’s Wolves - After the League of Nil-ith Horn troops drove off the ambushing humans, Gazzi-Ura treated Eskander with a hemus healing potion and the soldiers removed the road obstructions. They continued north, Continued...
League of Nil-ith Horn Chronicles #3- Mines of Rostok - Eskander Toshe was sent on his first command by the League of Nil-ith Horn to re-establish control of their road to Rostok Hold. His caravan of troops and supplies was Continued...
League of Nil-ith Horn Chronicles #4 – Ottarson’s Ambush - Eskander and party must travel the ever-dangerous Silver Road from the Mines of Rostok to Rostok Hold. Continued...
League of Nil-ith Horn Chronicles #5- Road to Dalthu - Eskander and Gazzi-Ura encounter more difficulties on the northern road. Continued...