Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #40- Prologue

This is the climactic fight Kvig Melgarson has been looking- some say unwisely- to have out with Valden the Ruthless and his horde of Vangen orcs. Valden’s forces number almost a third again more than the Gautrians. However, the Gautrian army consists of a larger percentage of better armored troops.

Just days before ( in Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #39), the Gautrian army was on the verge of sailing away from these lands under the banner of their king, Magnus, until Magnus was badly injured in an assassination attempt by the orcs. Wynston slew 2 of the attackers to keep Magnus alive and was the only one to hear his last whispered words before he succumbed to unconsciouness. Wynston proclaimed to the gathered jarls that Magnus wished Kvig to be his Champion and lead the army against the orcs. She was met with suspicious glances from a few, but her word went unquestioned.

Valden’s army has encamped and is underway reconstructing a bridge to cross the Skarken River into the South Gautrian Lands of Timlin.  Kvig’s scouts bring him back preliminary reports from the orc camp.


At the central fire pit, Valden and his Vangen urogs hold council with Ursio Erembald, the Nil-ith Horn high priest of the Temple of the One God.


The Nil-ith Horn units of the army drill in their section of the camps.


Their Priests of the One God use their battle-magics on the warriors.


The Vangen orcs  ready for battle as well.


The Vangen drummer has the honor of getting his clan worked up.


And the war council continues as the men march ever closer.


The battle is joined in: Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #40- The Battle of Skarken River>>

<<Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #39- Wynston’s Gambit

Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #39- Wynston’s Gambit

Entering our home, our players were greeted by the new gaming table top covered in new hills.


Upon the just-finished surface sat the remnants of the swamp fort of Skara from the conclusion of Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #38 . The smoldering ruins were surrounded by the Vangen orc horde led by the mighty urog King, Valden the Ruthless. Our players’ characters watched the destruction on horseback from a nearby hilltop.


Bleddyn, the champion and scout, spotted a group of urogs who looked threatening, just as a Kildarian horn blast sounded from inside what was left of the stockade fence. A small force of human cavalry were attempting to break through the orc army and out of the carnage that was Skara.

Kvig led his own cavalry charge to engage the urogs and give the Kildarians time to win free of the siege.


As Kvig’s Gautrian cavalry pounded over a hill, they were surprised by a second group of orcs, ready for the cavalry charge. Kvig with his superior horsemanship smashed through the line and led a few riders along towards the escaping Kildarians. Other Gautrian riders were forced to stop and fight the orcs.

Bleddyn had his horse cut out from beneath him. Wynston dismounted in the churning confusion of bodies and blood and slipped behind the battling orcs to do her damage.


Meanwhile, Kvig and his riders closed with the urogs to create a screening force for the Kildarians to ride past.


Kvig himself slew 2 urogs while occupying that force, gaining the humans needed time to retreat.


Bleddyn and Wynston were able to mount up double and the joined cavalry thundered away, leaving the smoking hulk of Skara behind them.



Kvig Melgarson led the troops north to King Magnus’ camp on the lakeside.


20 boats waited in the water to ferry the King and his troops back to Gautria and out of these contested lands.

Kvig continuously argued to press Valden and his Vangen orc horde now, while the Gautrian forces are massed. King Magnus was more wary; he would prefer to take the troops home and defend Gautria from their strongholds. Wynston tried to convince the King of the merits of Kvig’s plan.


Just then, the camp was attacked! A goblin exploded 5 of the King’s ships in the lake, while a Nil-ith Horn strike force tried to assassinate the King. Fortunately for King Magnus, Wynston hid in his tent and slew 2 assassins before the King was blooded. Jarl Storolf, the father of the King’s betrothed, was also there and fought fiercely against the other 3 orcs once Wynston fell. The King too was grievously wounded. Kvig and Bleddyn crashed into the tent to finish the orcs.


The King was left half-senseless and fragile, even after being treated for his wounds. Kvig urged King Magnus to name a champion. In his injured state, the King whispered fiercely to Wynston, then fell unconscious.


Wynston declared to the assembled Jarls that the King had named Kvig Champion and Marshall of the Gautrian forces. Further, the King was to be sent to recover at his stronghold. At next light, 2 boats and 50 men took King Magnus out onto Lake Sund towards safer lands.

Now Kvig has the Gautrian forces at his back, and hundreds of orcs waiting in the front. Where will the battle be joined?


Find out next adventure!

Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #40- Prologue>>

<<Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #38- Skara Will Burn

Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #38- Skara Will Burn


The contested swamp fort of Skara, currently held by Kildarian vassals of King Magnus, was under siege by the vicious urog King Valden the Ruthless. Young King Magnus was reluctant to take his lesser forces against such a mighty orc army. He sat on the shore of Lake Sund some miles to the north of Skara, with enough ships to ferry his loyal Gautrian warriors back home. Kvig Melgarson and his elder brother Hegg argued they should push their troops now and take the field against Valden. King Magnus refused, but allowed any of the knights who wished to ride with the Melgarsons into the destruction and doom at Skara.


With Hegg’s loyal cavalry at the core, Kvig convinced his ally (and father of the King’s betrothed) Jarl Storolf to lend an equal number of knights to the cause.

Their heavy cavalry were too few to hope to turn Valden’s army and break the siege of Skara, but perhaps in the right place they could inflict crucial damage. By the time the riders arrived at the fort, the attack was underway.


An enclave of Priests of the One God from the League of Nil-ith Horn set the gate ablaze. Kvig led his cavalry on a devastating charge through their ranks, trampling priests and orc warriors. The elite orc squad protecting the priests inflicted losses on the Gautrians in turn.


Meanwhile, the Kildarians bravely tried to hold the gap against the closing Nil-ith Horn heavy infantry. 


Kvig brought his cavalry around and crashed into the flanks of the Nil-ith Horn at the gate.

Kvig led one last attack at the priests, then the retreat was sounded and the cavalry stampeded out of range.


Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #39- Wynston’s Gambit>>

<<Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #37- Kednvald Bridge